Sunday 11 September 2011


Crime a word that we as a new generation and also previous generation will extremely want to avoid it. Today crime is not like before, the crimer will do anything to get what he want from the victims and escape from law. Actually there is no want to be in this situation. Perhaps, some people have their own reason of doing this crime, and maybe they had to do for their own living life and perhaps they doing just for fun and their hobby. The factor of this people doing this is because they may influence by their friend, jobless and desperate with the situation that they have. So i agree with this statement.

         Firstly, the reasons they do crime because they have been influence by their friends. Nowadays, it is important to decide who is your friend in your life and to get this kind of friend we need to find by yourself and not others. If you choose the wrong person that you want them to accompany you you may get in trouble like nowadays youngsters. For example rob bank, rape, or blackmail.

        Next is jobless. today challenge is how you want to get a perfect, suitable and give profit to yourself job. the reason of why commit crime is this kind of factors they think to much to get a good job but in meantime they don`t realise that if you to choosing the job ypu will never get it. Furthermore, nobody will hire  unacknowledged employee because it makes no profit.

       Finally desperate to get money. The cause of them been doing like this is the want to get money in hurry and they not think the consequences of doing that. For example, if you have a family that need medication and surgery as a head of family you may need money to pay all this fee and there is one way to get money in hurry  is to doing crime.

      In conclusion, people who doing this are surely in bad condition. As a human don`t try to think  in negative thought be professional in making decision and try to think waht is the consequences if this decision were made.


Thursday 30 June 2011

Academic Excellence Guarantees A Successful life

Now days the person who have an good academic have good job? Well most of the people will say yes. This is because people who have an excellence academic it can Guarantees a successful life. One of the most successful in life because he have a good academic was Ibn Khaldun.
Ibn Khaldun was a great and successful life in the world, people from another place such as Europe and England had commited him as a great person. Those was the great honour for muslims people, plus another person Ibn Sina, he also want of the great person because he was a medical men in islam community and east people also using his method and research to complete their search.
 From this point we can see that if you have a good academic than you can guarantees an successful life. Furthermore, if you have an excellence academic you easily can be hire by any company that can give you big earn. Although, if you don`t have a good academic you also can get a job but the difference is what job will you get compare to the person who have an academic.
Today company won`t take workers that seat in manager position without have a knowledge and excellence academic, plus if you don’t have a good job then you don`t have money. Women now on, some of them won`t look a guy or men that don`t have high rank or high position in office. Like old people said *no money no talk*.
So, academic is very important to our live because it can bring you anywhere with it. And as a student we must struggle hard to get a good pointer so that after graduated later we can easily get a good job. Than you can get good earn and in the meantime you perhaps will get promoted and boss maybe have a trusted on you. Lastly, life without a good academic excellecen is difficult because now days are global world, Malaysia also have step up from one step to another step. That`s all…..

Wednesday 22 June 2011


tomorrow our class have a presentation on subject playing2....and remember what madam said write round2 and easy to tomorrow present round2 when speak and must clearly2...right madam.....

Friday 17 June 2011

pAsaI blOG ni haaa....

DEn betul2 ndo peheee dgn blog niii....ngapooo yooo...skjp jd follower skjp cekk tiadaa.....samdullll.....dahhh laaa 1st perhhh......awkk aq kecee klantann pulakk.....pehee do yg lainnn


nada ideaa........